Silence – The Strix

Happy to present you another collaboration we created and this time the topic was Zigyasa’s choice: very excited our art-sister could rejoin us. Sarah stepped in for John again, thanks dear! and last but definitely not least: the lovely Jyotee, our guest-artist at this collab.

In the Netherlands we have a quote “Spreken is zilver, zwijgen is goud”, translated it is: “Speaking is silver, silence is golden”. Yes, there are times you should think twice before you speak and the way you talk to someone, is also something to think about. However,

I strongly believe – and I am certain The Strix does too – your voices are worthy to be heard!

One of the best ways to speak up, to communicate, to connect is via art: Poetry, Music, Stories, Thoughts, Paints, Sketches, et cetera.

Enjoy the voices of The Strix through our art…

~ Patty W.

~ from Mimosa Pudica


Shades of nothing

roll across waves of space

in darkness tempted

by stars’ growing grace

In silence, implosions

the quiet destruction

to begin anew in black

history writing, written

In the vacuum, eyes hear

in bright yellow sparks

fire roars in retinas

not one sound stirred

Save the sound of the soul…

it squirms, the speed of light

dances in silence

…in silence, free

~ Emily C.

~ from PoetGirlEm

How do thine eyes weave numerous rhymes
Thine silence plus-es many worlds and words
Soulful and soothing like those wind chimes
Few blossom like springs others cut like swords

Me admit mine clue-less flaws and cowardice
You are a walking poetry, I am no poet
could thee not feel me and mine silent cries
You are the sea, I am a ship, sink and float

Noise-less me word-less thee and souls weep
Because you are not just the air I breath
Smiles of thine ignites shrine, more I creep
You are me, mine, besides and beneath

Dear mine, Let the silences burst into noises
Expectations will die, And love blooms like roses !!!

—-“A Shakespearian sonnet”—

~ Jyotee

~ from LifeIsAllAboutPain


Their legs hung over the edge of the cliff, teasing each other, giggling and throwing back their heads in laughter, the air cleansing their souls, and the echoes ringing in their ears, it was all so pure.

The birds were about to fly back to their nests, the air had become cooler, and the clouds were darkening, it was a beautiful dense blush in the skies. The sun had gone behind their backs, as it travelled to the other side of the globe, slowing time where they sat. They were quiet now. Their laughter still suspended in the air, a happy dusk, a metaphor poets would hardly use. But that was the magic of this moment. Looking out to the valley spread right below their legs, the wholeness and greatness of the expanse and depth of the mountains and valleys, the greens washed over with hues of the copper light from above, just described the emotions running through them.

Pure happiness.

Even now, when they were quiet, thinking of what they had said, the moments they had just shared, and how it all had come easily to them. How speaking did not matter now. How the silence talked between them. How it meant all that words could never explain. How it expressed feelings and connections no bond could meet. A sudden still in the fast-moving life, it was a break from all the stupid little things we bothered about. Their voices had slept, deep in their throats, and the ears could listen to this moment speaking to them. Urging them to stay where they were. And they stayed. Deep inside their hearts, they made a place for this silence, to live inside them forever. They ate up as much of this feeling as they could. They stored this silence inside them, so that they could seek for it when things were not right. They were happy, close, and overwhelmed. They were together. The silence bound them in a way words never could.

He looked up, eyes focused on her beautiful face. She smiled, feeling his eyes on her. When she looked at him her eyes were bright and soothing and wanting to drown in his deep ones. They smiled, and looked away again, at the life around them, at everything that moved around them. The clouds clearing away from the sky, the last bird flying high above their head, the little bees buzzing toward their combs, cutting faint lines in the quiet air, little animals running deep into their burrows and seeking slumber. The whole world seemed to be peacefully asleep, and yet they were here, with each other.

The moment never ended.
The bond never broke.
The understanding wordlessness remained between them.

~ Kashaf S.



My heart ached
As my eyes bled
Pain in my soul
Remain trapped
I stayed calm
My tears creamed hard
Melted all my sorrow
Traveling their way
From my cheeks to my toes
Are you too another ME?
Are you too gulping your own blood
For they silenced US
When we had words to speak
Sometimes I wonder
Why did they silence
you and me…

~Zigyasa K.

From MySestina


Expressions Crossing Continents

Expression Crossing Continents



Topic by Zigyasa

Featured Image by Sarah

Logo by AlpeJohn

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